Pilot Demonstration Turin - Italy
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RESilient transport InfraSTructure to extreme events 

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 Pilot Demonstration Workshop in Turin-  Italy

20 May 2022 - HYBRID meeting      

Venue: Tecnositaf Headquarter - Piero Della Francesca Office Centre (Torino, Corso Svizzera, 185 10126 )

RESilient Transport InfraSTructure to Extreme Events (RESIST) is a European Commission Horizon 2020 funded research project. The overall goal of RESIST is to increase the resilience of seamless transport operation to natural and man-made extreme events, protect the users of the European transport infrastructure, and provide optimal information to the operators and users of the transport infrastructure.

To increase resilience, RESIST has developed an integrated, interoperable, and scalable safety/security platform to offer high levels of resilience and secure the nearly seamless transport operation in the event of critical structures subjected to extreme events. This is done by a multi-level approach which includes tools and technologies for designing:

  • preventive and predictive strategies for transport network resilience in terms of vulnerability and predictive analysis and risk assessment,
  • reactive strategies in terms of emergency secure communication and on demand rapid and accurate robotic in-depth structural damage inspection of critical transport structures (after disaster) for offering situation awareness to the control and (re)routing options to the users.

The integrated RESIST system has already been tested at the T9-T11 bridge in Egnatia Odos, Greece (Peristeri/Epirus).

The focus of this 2nd Pilot workshop was at the St. Petronilla tunnel near Bussoleno, 50 km away from Turin.


PRESENTATIONS - Session 1: RESIST Workshop 


Pictures of the Workshop are available here


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